Khoo’s Red Hot Jerk Chicken Recipe

The sun is starting to make a reappearance, it’s feeling warmer again, maybe spring has finally arrived? What better way to celebrate these warmer days than with a sizzling plate of red hot jerk chicken.

This bold recipe perfectly shows off what our Northern Beacon hot sauce is all about, a punchy tropical mix up of sweet, smoky and fiery flavours.

You can make the most of the warmer weather by cooking this on the barbecue, or if things aren’t quite hot enough for al-fresco dining just yet, then it works just as well in the oven.

Sizzling Jerk Chicken Leg Quarters

Use our Northern Beacon hot sauce to cook up some fierce jerk chicken legs this barbecue season!
Prep Time3 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Barbecue, Caribbean
Keyword: Chicken Leg, Jerk, northern beacon
Servings: 4
Author: Alex Khoo


  • 4 chicken leg quarters
  • 400g can chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 300g long grain rice
  • 400g can gungo peas
  • 60g bag rocket to serve
  • 1 tbsp whole allspice
  • 2 tbsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 8 spring onions
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 40 ml light soy sauce
  • 4 limes juice and zest
  • 100 ml Khoo's Northern Beacon
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives


To Make the marinade

  • To make the marainade start by grinding all the dried spices to a powder using a spice grinder.
  • Add garlic, spring onions, soy sauce, lime juice and zest along with Khoo's Northern Beacon and blend to a smooth paste.
  • Reserve 1/3 of this marinade paste and set it aside.

Marinading the chicken

  • Rub the remaining 2/3 of the paste into the chicken leg quarters. Try to work some paste underneath the skin where possible.
  • Let the chicken marinade for a minimum of 3 hours, ideally overnight.

Cooking the chicken (barbecue method)

  • Light your barbecue coals and let them settle to hot red embers
  • If you have some handy, then add a few chunks of smoking wood. I prefer fruit woods for chicken. Apple and cherry both work really well with this recipe.
  • Grill your chicken over the coals, skin side up first, then flip to crisp the skin before serving.
  • Serve when juices run clear or internal temperature reaches 75℃

Cooking the chicken (oven method)

  • Preheat the oven to 190℃
  • Place the chicken legs on a wire rack grill pan and roast skin side up for 30 minutes to brown the meat.
  • Turn the legs over and knock the heat down to 160℃. Cook for a further 30 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 75℃
  • Turn the chicken skin side up and give it a final 5 minutes at 200℃ to ensure the skin is crispy.

Making the sauce

  • While the chicken is cooking, add the tomatoes and honey to the reserved jerk paste and blend to a smooth sauce. Simmer the sauce for 10 minutes or so until it becomes smooth. If you have a beer to hand, add a splash to the sauce and thank me later.


  • Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packet.
  • Strain the gungo peas and mix into the rice along with chopped chives and a pinch of salt.


  • Add a portion of rice to a plate with a handful of rocket to the side. Sit one chicken leg on the rice and splash your jerk sauce over the whole affair. If you want to step it up a gear you can always chuck an extra dash or two of Northern Beacon over the proceedins too.
  • Garnish as you see fit and tuck in!


Delicious spicy jerk chicken made with our fiery Northern Beacon hot sauce. 
Perfect for sunny days with the barbecue, but just as good cooked in the oven to brighten up a cloudy weekend!